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How to offer Vouchers to your Customers
How to offer Vouchers to your Customers
Updated over a week ago

Vouchers are a way to offer your Customers money off your Sessions.

Vouchers are similar to, but distinct from, Discounts. When turned on, Discounts are automatically applied to the Booking Cart of an Account Holder who meets certain Booking criteria. Vouchers require a Voucher Code to be entered into the Bookings Site by the Account Holder.

There are two ways that you can create a Voucher:

Creating a Voucher in Settings

You can create new Vouchers by navigating to 'Settings > Bookings > Vouchers > Vouchers' and clicking on the '+Create New' button. The Vouchers you create here are known as Global Vouchers and can be applied to any of your Projects.

You will be prompted to Name your Voucher and give it a Code. The Voucher Code is what Account Holders will enter in the front-end Bookings Site when they use your Voucher. The Voucher Code can be set to whatever you like, but it cannot contain special characters (such as '@', '?' or '!') and cannot exceed 10 characters.

You will also be prompted to select a Voucher Type:

  • Percentage: The set percentage you input gets taken from the full price of an Account Holder's Booking. For example, if a 10% Voucher is enabled, and an Account Holder books £100 worth of Sessions, their final total will be £90.

  • Amount per Session - The voucher amount gets taken from the Session Price. For example, if an Account Holder books 5 sessions that are £20 each with an Amount per Session voucher of £10, they would get a £50 Discount. Their final total will then be £50.

  • Amount per Block - This Voucher applies its discount to the Block Price. For example, if an Account Holder has a £10 Discount Voucher and books onto 2 Blocks with a Block price of £50 each, their discount will be £20. Their final total will be £80.

  • Fixed Amount - This voucher applies the set discount amount when an Account Holder selects and books all the sessions in a Block. For example, if an Account Holder has a £50 Voucher and books onto all of the Sessions in a Block that costs £200, once the Voucher has been applied their final total will be £150.

  • Amount Credit - This Voucher works by gifting the Account Holder an account balance totalling the amount entered. For example, if an Account Holder has a £0 account balance and is given a £50 Amount Credit Voucher, once they input the Voucher Code they will have an Account Balance of £50 which they can use to Book onto Sessions.

If you have a finite number of Vouchers you want to give out, this can be set in 'Voucher Quantity'.

You can also give the Voucher an Expiry Date if you only want it to be valid for a certain time period.

In the 'Applies To' menu, you can choose which Session Types your Voucher can be used on. If you select 'All Session Types', your Voucher can be used on all of the Session Types that you offer to be booked. If you select a specific Session Type, your Voucher can only be used to book Sessions that are categorised within that Session Type.

Your Vouchers can also coincide with the Sibling Discount. This gives the Account Holder a set discount that applies when two or more Customers from the same account are booked into the same Session. This will apply both when the Sessions are booked simultaneously or separately.

There is also a field called Apply Sibling Discount To, which will allow you to set this voucher to apply to all participants that are added, or to subsequent participants that are added after the initial participant.

You can also set a Use Limit which limits the number of times an account holder will be allowed to use this voucher. If this field is left blank, the number of times the account holder can use this voucher is unlimited.

Creating a Voucher on the Project Page

You can create a Voucher in the Project Page. These are known as 'Project Vouchers' and can only be applied to Sessions within that Project. In the Project Page, you can see your Project Vouchers by navigating to 'Discounts > Vouchers'.

Here, you can create a new Project Voucher by pressing the '+Create New' button. Once you have created your Voucher, you can then select to which Sessions in the Project your Voucher will apply by clicking on the tick box next to the Session name.

Stacking Vouchers

Vouchers can be stacked and also used for Subscriptions. In order to edit this, you can Navigate to 'Settings > General > Discounts'.

Stack Vouchers

When 'Stack Voucher' is ticked, each voucher will have a new field named 'Stack Vouchers'. This will allow you to specify which Vouchers you would like to be used together. For example, if you have Three Vouchers and have selected that two of them can be Stacked, an Account Holder would be able to apply two of the three, but not the third to a Booking.

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