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What is a Project?
Updated over a week ago

In the Coordinate Sport application, a Project is a Booking that contains all of your Sessions. Projects can be categorised as either an Event or a Course.

An Event is a one-off project. The maximum length of a block in an event is one week.

A Course is a project that repeats itself or can be set as a one-off like an Event. The maximum length of a Block is the length of whichever Course it is in. Courses can be set to whichever length suits your needs.

When you create a new Project, the Details tab is where you will put all the key information about the booking before setting up the Blocks and Sessions.


An organisation is delivering dance lessons for a school (Green Road School). The lessons are delivered as Sessions in different terms during the 2021/22 school year.

The project in this example would be named 'Dance Lesson Green Road School 2021/2022' and will be set as a Course since the dance lessons will occur several times a week during the school year.

If the dance lessons were a one-off week-long Project rather than a recurring event, they would be set as an 'Event'.

The Details tab, where the Project information is kept, contains information such as the Project Name, Booking length and the name of the Record with which the booking is associated, whether that be Direct or Indirect.

If you would like a full guide on creating a booking, click Here.

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