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Project Management

Session Add-Ons, Managing Equipment, Sending Messages, Monitoring and Booking Requirement Fields, and Attaching Documents to Bookings

Updated over a week ago

This article will highlight the different aspects of managing a Project. If you would like to know more about Projects and how to create one, click here.

How to use Session Add-ons

The Session Add-ons feature will give users the option to add extra items to a Project. Once created, you will be able to freely customise the price as well as the name of the add-on. The add-on will then be visible on the booking site for customers to select when making a booking.

To create an add-on, go to 'Settings > Add-ons'.

Click on '+Create New'.

First, give the add-on a name, then set the price in the 'Price' field.

You have the option to add a description to your add-on to give more context to your customers.

Once all the details have been entered, click on 'Save', and the add-on has been created.

To add this add-on to your project, navigate to your project, then click on the 'Add-ons' tab at the top of the page. Here you will be able to select your add-on within the 'Include Add-ons' dropdown field, then click on 'Save'.

This will then apply to the project, and customers will be able to see and add your created add-ons.

How to view available and booked out Equipment

To view which Equipment is available and which has been booked out:

1) log in to the Coordinate Sport application.

2) In the menu on the left-hand side, click on 'Equipment'.

3) On the 'Equipment' page you can see two tabs:

  • Equipment

  • Bookings

In the 'Equipment' tab, you can see a list of all the equipment available to book. Each row shows you the total amount of equipment and its availability.

The 'Bookings' tab, shows you a list of the equipment that has been booked out. Each row shows you:

  • Who booked out the Equipment.

  • The Name of the Equipment

  • The Type

  • The Quantity

  • The date and time it was booked out

  • The date and time the equipment is expected back

  • The status, to show if the equipment has been returned

How to add Equipment

1) Login into the Coordinate Sport application.

2) In the left-hand side menu, click on ‘Equipment’.

3) On the right top corner, click on the button named ‘Create New’.

4) In the new page:

  • In the field titled ‘Name’ enter the name of the equipment.

  • In the field titled ‘Location’ enter the location of the equipment.

  • In the field titled ‘Quantity’ enter the quantity of equipment available.

5) At the bottom of the page, click on the button named ‘Save’.

How to send Messages to Staff and Customers

It is possible to send messages to your customers through the app, instead of sending emails externally. There are two ways to do this, either through a project, or the whole system. Lets go through the project option first.

Send a message within a project

Navigate to your projects by clicking on Bookings > Projects > All. Then select your project

Click on the 'Messaging' tab that is located on the top of the page.

Here is where you will be able to send messages to accounts that are signed up to your project, which you can choose between blocks.

Enter your email subject, then select the blocks you want to send the email to. You can choose between specific blocks or select "All" to send this email to everyone taking part in this project. Then you can enter your email within the "Message" text box.

Once the message has been entered, click "Send", and this will send the email to your selected blocks.

System-wide message

If you would like to send a system-wide message, click on the "Messages" tab that is located on the left hand side of the page.

At the top of the page, you can see multiple tabs of who you can send messages to, these are:

  • Staff

  • Schools

  • Organisations

  • Customers

Click on "+ Create New" at the top right of the page to create a message.

You have the option to send the message to a group of customers by selecting the following:

  • Date

  • Activity type

  • Department

  • Session Types

In the "To" dropdown list, you can leave this blank if you have a group of recipients you intend to send this message to, as set in the previous point. However, if you want to send a message to specific users, you can select them in the dropdown list, or enter their name manually.

Next you can write a subject, and then the message, with the option of including attachments.

Once everything has been set up, click "Send", then the message will be sent to the selected users.

Within the Messaging tab, there is an "Inbox" tab on the top of the page, which will show previously sent messages.

How to use Monitoring Fields

Monitoring fields are optional or mandatory ways to get extra information from the customer. To access monitoring fields, you will need to go to 'Bookings > Project > All'. Click on your project, then monitoring fields can be set up at the bottom of the details tab of the project.

Click on "Monitoring Fields", to expand the section.

In the monitoring fields, you can enter a question for your customers to answer. For example, "Does your child walk home?". In the field next to this, you can choose where this question will appear. If you pick 'Register', this will appear on the register, which the staff managing the session can fill on the day.

Otherwise, if you pick 'Booking Site', this question will appear on the booking site when customers book onto a session.

This is useful for planning because staff members can view the answers to these questions before the session commences.

You can tick the 'Mandatory' checkbox to make the question either mandatory, or optional for the customer to fill out.

What is the Booking Requirement Field?

In the Details tab of a project, there is a field named 'Booking Requirement'.

The purpose of this field is to select how sessions can be booked in the application and on the Online Booking Site.

The Booking Requirement field is a drop-down list and has the following options:

  • All Weeks

  • All Weeks (Remaining Sessions Only)

  • Select Weeks

This field only works for projects that are courses, as long as their register type allows them to appear on the Booking Site (setting the register to Names Only, for instance, would remove this field).

All Weeks

All sessions are totalled into a single price for the entire block and they cannot be booked individually.

When this Booking Requirement is selected, sessions will not show on the booking site after the block start date has elapsed.

All Weeks (Remaining Sessions Only)
This allows customers to book onto a Course after it has started. The price shown will be the sum of the remaining sessions which cannot be booked individually.

Select Weeks

This enables the customers to pick and choose which sessions they would like to attend.

The price is shown individually for each session.

How to Attach documents to your Bookings

'Attachments' are documents that can be uploaded within a Project, Session, Record or Staff Member Profile and made viewable to Staff Members and Customers.

Uploading an Attachment to a Project

1) Navigate to the Project page and click on the Attachments Tab.

2) Click on the green '+Create New' button and then upload your document.

3) In the Comment field, write some supplementary information about your Attachment.

4) Choose which Blocks to attach your Attachment to. When an Attachment is associated with a Block, it will be sent along with the Customer's Booking Confirmation. You can click 'select all' to associate your Attachment with all of the Blocks in your Project or leave this section blank.

Once you have created your Attachment, you will be taken back to the Attachments Tab. Here, you will have a few options for your Attachments:

  • 'Attach to All Blocks' will include the document in the confirmation email that is sent to the Project's associated Record.

  • 'Show on Bookings Site' will show the document on the Booking Site once a Customer has completed making their Booking.

  • 'Send with Thanks Email' will attach the document to the 'Thanks Email' that is sent when each Block (or the whole project) is finished.

Attachments will be viewable by Staff Members when they navigate to the Session Page and click on the Attachments Tab.

Staff Members will also be able to upload their own Attachments, regardless of their Permission Level. Please note that Coaches and Salaried Coaches will only be able to upload attachments to Session, rather than whole Projects or Blocks, due to their Permission Level.

Uploading an Attachment to a Record

To upload an Attachment to a Record, navigate to your desired Record in the 'Records' area of the left-hand side menu. Once you have clicked onto your desired Record, a menu will pop out from the right-hand side. Here you can click onto the 'Attachments' tab and click the green '+Create New' button. Once you have uploaded your Attachment and added a Comment, you will see the following options:

  • 'Coach Access' will allow Coaches to view your Attachment.

  • 'Send with Confirmation' will attach your document to the Booking Confirmation email that gets sent to the Record.

All Staff Members who have the Permission Level of 'Team Leader' or higher will be able to add Attachments to Records.

Uploading an Attachment to a Staff Member's Profile

You can upload an Attachment to a Staff Member's profile by navigating to their Staff Profile and clicking on the 'Attachments' tab. Once you click on the '+Create New' button, you will be able to upload your document and add some supplementary information.

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