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Booking Site Management

Set Event Colours, Set Booking Criteria, Ordering Projects, Bookings Not Showing, Changing Logos, and Display Specific Blocks Only

Updated over 7 months ago

This article will highlight the different aspects of the Booking Site area of the app. If you would like to know how to edit and publish the booking site, click here.

Set the Event Colours on the Booking Site

The colour that appears next to an Event or Block on the Booking Site is decided by two criteria:

1) The colour of the most common Session Type inside the block. You can set the colour of the session type by navigating to β€˜Settings > Session Types’ and then clicking on the name of the session type. Within each session type, you can then set the colour in the 'Colour' field.

2) The colour of the Department is set in the Details tab of the project. If no Session Type is set against the Sessions, or none of the Session Types have a colour assigned to them, then the Block will pull the colour from the Department set in the Project.
You can set the colour of the Event by navigating to 'Settings > Departments’, and then clicking on the name of the Department. Within each Department, you can then set the colour in the 'Colour' field.

3) By default, a neutral grey colour will be displayed if there is no colour set against the department or the Session Types.

Setting the Customer Booking Criteria on your Booking Site

You can set Customer Booking Criteria to a Project that is to be advertised on the Booking Site. You can use this option to only allow certain customers that match the criteria to be able to Book places on your Project.

If you set Customer Booking Criteria, you can ensure that only Customers eligible for Free School Meals can book a place in your Sessions.

First, you must have the ability to mark Customers who are eligible for Free School Meals. You can do this by navigating to 'Settings > Display > Customers > Participant Profile Fields' and ticking the box in the 'show' column next to 'Eligible for Free School Meals?'.

You can also make this a mandatory question that Account Holders are asked when setting up their account by ticking the box named 'Required'.

When this is set up, you will then see a field in your Customer Profiles that reads 'Eligible for Free School Meals?' with the options 'Yes' and 'No' in the drop-down menu.

To ensure that only those who are eligible for Free School Meals can book a place on the Sessions within your desired Project, you must first navigate to the Booking Site tab of your Project Page.

There you will find a field named 'Customer Booking Criteria' with two options: 'FSM - Yes' and 'FSM - No'

If you select 'FSM - Yes', only Customers who are marked as eligible for Free School Meals will be able to book a place on any of your Projects with this Booking Criteria.

Once you have given a Project this Booking Criteria, it will be shown on the Front End Booking Site for your Customers to see.

How to order your Projects on the Booking Site

In 'Settings > General > Online Booking Site > Ordering' you will be able to select the ordering criteria of projects.

You will be able to set the criteria using this drop-down field called "Ordering Default" with the following options:

  • Alphabetical (A-Z) - this will sort projects in alphabetical order. This will pull from 'Project Name'.

  • Alphabetical (Z-A) - this will sort projects in reverse alphabetical order. This will pull from 'Project Name'

  • Starting Soon - this will sort projects in descending order of Project Start Date, for example, the project start date that is closest to the current day that is in the future will be shown at the top of the list.

  • Ending Soon - this will sort projects in descending order based on which project is ending soonest, for example, the project end date that is closest to the current day. This will pull from 'Project End Date'

  • Newly Added - this will sort projects in descending order of Project Creation Date. This will pull from the Unique Project ID.

  • Oldest - this will sort projects in ascending order of project start date, i.e. the project with the start date furthest in the past will be shown first. This will pull from the Project Start Date.

  • None - no sorting will be applied, and the projects will appear as they do currently on the Event Search page.

The order that Bookings will appear on the booking site can also now be reordered on this page using the 'Drag & Drop' icon. For example, if you would like to move a specific booking to the top of the Event Search page, you will be able to click and drag the booking to the relevant ordering.

Why can't I see my Bookings on the Booking Site

If your bookings aren't appearing on the booking site, there are multiple areas to check what's causing the problem.

The first thing to check, is the Booking Site tab within your project. Make sure that the checkbox "Show on Booking Site" is ticked, as this determines whether the sessions are displayed on the booking site.

The next place to check would be the Blocks, which you can view, by navigating to the 'Blocks' tab, and selecting a Block.

Once within the Details page, make sure the "Show on Booking Site" checkbox is ticked.

The last place to check, is the Booking Requirements area, which you can find, by clicking on the 'Details' tab of the project. You will need to check what the booking requirement option is set to.

If it is set to "All Weeks", when customers make a booking, they will need to select a session for every single week of the block. If the block has already started, then it wont be possible to book onto the sessions, and this booking will not show on the booking site.

For more information about the booking requirements, you can hover over the information box next to the Booking Requirement field, which will explain each type in more detail.

The default booking requirement that most of our customers use, is 'All Weeks (Remaining Sessions Only)', which means that your customers will be required to select a session for all the remaining weeks from any point within the block.

With all of these areas checked, the project will now appear on the booking site.

How to change the Logo of the App and Booking Site

It is possible to change the logo that appears in the app and on your booking site. This can be done by navigating to 'Settings', then 'Styling'.

On this page, there is a 'Logo' section. Within this, is a field called "Replace Logo", click on 'Browse'. You will then be able to select the logo from your computer or device.

Once this is done, click on 'Save'.

Keep in mind that when logos are changed, it can take a few minutes for the change to take effect. If nothing changes, empty the cache of your internet browser that you're using.

How to display specific blocks within a Course on the Booking Site

If you would only like certain Blocks within a Course to be viewable for the public on the Booking Site, you can do so by following these instructions.

1) Enable the Course to show all the blocks on the online booking site.

You can do this by navigating to your chosen project. You can then navigate to the Bookings Site tab and select the 'Show on Bookings Site' tick box. Make sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

2) In the same project you have selected, click on the Blocks tab.

3) You will see a list of all the Blocks in the course. Click into a Block.

4) Scroll down the page to the Booking Site section, where there is a tick box field named 'Show on Bookings Site'.

If this checkbox is ticked, it will show the block on the online booking site; if unticked, it will remove the block from view on the online booking site. This applies to each block in the course separately.

5) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save button.

Repeat the process on any other Blocks you would like to appear on the Bookings Site.

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