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Staff Management

Staff Feedback and Notes, Coach ID, Searching for Staff by Department, and Notifying Staff for Session Check-In,

Updated over 4 months ago

This article will highlight the different aspects of the Staff area of the app.

How to give Appraisals, Customer Feedback and Disciplinary notes to Staff

When you navigate to the "Staff" page that is located on the left hand side, then select the relevant staff member, there will be a tab called "Development", located at the top of the page.

Here you are able to give appraisals, customer feedback and disciplinary notes to the selected staff member. To create these, click on "+Create New"

Select the date of the feedback, then the type of feedback. You then add a brief summary, then finally the details of the feedback. Once that is all done, click on "Save".

How to create a printable Coach ID

When navigating to the Staff menu, located on the left hand side of the page, then clicking on the relevant staff member, you can view the coach ID by clicking on the "Coach ID" tab located at the top of the page.

Before printing this off, you must fill in the required fields, such as:

  • Personal Statement

  • Specialism

  • Favourite Quote

  • Sporting Hero

Once these details are submitted, click on "Print" at the top right of the page to view the printable Coach ID. When you're ready to print, click on "Print".

How to search for Staff by Department

You can search for Staff by their Department on the 'Staff' page, found on the left-hand side menu.

Click on 'Search' to expand the search filter, then go to the drop-down filter to select the 'Primary Department'.

How to notify Staff members for a Session Check-in

Session Check-in Feature Overview

An alert appears 30 minutes before the start of a Session indicating to the member of staff that they should Check-in at the start of the Session.

A member of staff should only Check-in once (when they arrive at a session location) or Check-out once (when they finish or leave a Session location).

Sometimes a session location may not related to individual sessions. For example - A Staff Member could attend three individual Sessions which are in a row at the same location/postcode. If these sessions take place less than one hour apart then they would be classed as just one Session location. In one Session location staff are only required to Check-in and Check-out once.

If a member of staff fails to Check-in within the threshold time (threshold time is set in 'Settings > Email & SMS' > Staff > Not Checked in Alert' which is set to 15 minutes by default, then they will receive an Email or SMS alert advising them to Check-in.

After a member of staff has checked in, an alert appears on the dashboard indicating that they will have to check out when their last session at a location has ended. If a member of staff fails to Check-out within the threshold time (threshold time is set in 'Settings > Email & SMS' > Staff > Not Checked in Alert'), which is 15 minutes by default then they will receive an email and SMS alert advising them to Check-out of the Session location.

The Check-out button will be removed from the dashboard if the member of staff fails to Check-out after 10 minutes from when the threshold time has ended.

Managers will also receive an email alert when a Staff Member hasn't checked in or out of a Session outside of the threshold time. This email alert will be sent to the 'Reply Email Address' set in 'Settings > Email & SMS > General'.

Managers will also receive an email alert when a Staff Member checked in outside of the area of the Session location. The title of this email is 'Staff Checked In Outside of Session Location', which can be edited within 'Settings > Email & SMS > Checked In Outside of Session Location Admin Alert'.

If the Staff Member has two sessions or more in a row but there is more than an hour gap between each session, they will need to Check-in and Out of each session separately.

The SMS Text messages will always be sent to the β€˜Work Mobile’ number set in the Staff Profile.

The Email and SMS alerts can be turned off if not required by navigating to 'Settings > Email & SMS'.

Management and Admin Functionality

Users with 'Management' and 'Super User' permission levels will have a menu option located on the left-hand side of the page titled 'Check-ins' within the 'Bookings' section. Upon navigating to this page they will be able to see a general view of where their staff are located by viewing the icons on the map and using the search filters. When hovering over the icons they will be able to see the check-in/check-out times. Managers can also navigate to individual staff profiles and click on the 'Check In' tab to see a map overview of the check-ins of a specific member of staff.

Users with 'Management', 'Super User', 'Team Leader' or 'Office' permission levels will be able to see details of the Check-ins by navigating to Bookings Timetable and changing the timetable view to either 'Check-in (Map)' or 'Check-in (Details)' in the top right corner of the page.

These users can also use the search filters to refine the dates of the search if applicable.

In the 'Check-in (Map)' view, when hovering over the icons, users will see the check-in/check-out times.

In the 'Check-in (Details)' view, users can see a list of all the Check-ins and their status or filter this view by date or other settings by using the search filter.

The pins shown on the map and in the 'Check-in (details)' are colour coded based on the following criteria:

Red - The member of staff hasn't checked in to a session within the threshold time or has checked in more than 1km away from the session location.

Amber - The member of staff has checked in late to the session.

Green - The member of staff is early or on time for the session and is at the correct location.

Blue - The member of staff has checked out of the session.

Members of staff should always be able to Check-in or Check-out if they are using a device with GPS enabled and an internet connection. This includes Wireless or Mobile Data connection.

To check if there is mobile data coverage at a session location please visit:

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