This article will highlight the different aspects of the Staff area of the app.
What is an availability exception?
An Availability Exception refers to a period of time where a Staff Member is unavailable to work and deliver any type of Session.
For example:
A staff member has a medical appointment during working hours and is therefore unable to work. This can be registered into the Coordinate Sport application as an Availability Exception.
To set an Availability Exception:
1) When logged into the Coordinate Sport application, click on the 'Staff' option in the left-hand side menu.
2) On this page, select the staff member and click on the 'Edit' (the pencil icon) button.
4) Next click on 'Availability'.
5) Then, click on the sub-tab named 'Exceptions'.
6) In 'Exceptions', click on the green button '+ Create New'.
7) A new page will open with the main settings to set an Availability Exception.
In 'Date From' set the date on which the exception starts.
In 'Time From' set the time in which the exception starts.
In 'Date To' set the date on which the exception finishes.
In 'Time To' set the time in which the exception finishes.
In 'Type' select the appropriate option: 'Authorised Absence', 'Unauthorised Absence' or 'Other'.
In 'Reason' enter the details of the exception.
Any necessary Notes or Attachments can be added at this point also.
8) Click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page to create the Exception.
How do I make a Staff User inactive or active?
Making a member of your staff Inactive will mean that they won't be able to access or login to the Coordinate Sport application. You could do this on a temporary basis and make the user Active again, or you could keep the user Inactive permanently.
To make a staff user Inactive:
1) Login to the Coordinate Sport application.
2) From the menu on the left-hand side click on 'Staff'.
3) You will see a list of all the active Staff Members. In the column titled 'Active', click on the green tick icon.
4) Once the Icon changes to a red square with a cross, this means that the Staff Member has successfully been made Inactive.
To make a staff user Active:
1) log in to the Coordinate Sport application.
2) From the menu on the left-hand side click on 'Staff'.
3) Click on the 'Search bar' to expand it.
4) In the search field named 'Active', select 'No' from the dropdown list and click on 'Search'.
5) You should now see a list of all the staff users that are inactive. In the column titled 'Active' click on the red cross icon to re-activate the staff member.
How to view the Timetable
How do I view the bookings timetable?
The Bookings Timetable shows you all of the Sessions that have been Scheduled.
To view the Bookings Timetable:
There is an option in the left-hand side menu named 'Timetable'. Clicking on this will show you all of the sessions that have been scheduled.
Alternatively, if you only want to see the sessions to which you have been assigned, click on the menu option named 'Your Timetable'.
The Timetable will show you the current day, week or month by default. By clicking '<' or '>', in the top left corner above the calendar, you can see the previous weeks or the upcoming weeks' scheduled sessions.
You can also use the 'Filter by Day/Week/Month' option to the right of the timetable to jump directly to a specific timeframe.
How to see your staff members Availability Calendars
In the Bookings Dashboard, there is an option named 'Availability Calendars'. On this page, it is possible to see, at a glance which of your staff members are available on certain dates.
To set up this functionality, you must first head to 'Settings > Availability Calendars'. Here, you can create the groups through which the calendars will function.
Click '+ Create New', give the group a name, Department and then select which Activities are applicable. Any staff members who have these Activities ticked in their 'Able to Deliver' tab will have their availability checked when this group is chosen.
You can also define specific time slots to further specify the availability check.
When you are happy with the group's settings, click Save.
Now, back on the Bookings Dashboard, the groups you have set up will appear in the drop-down menu on the Availability Calendars option.
When one is clicked on, the number of available staff - and in what capacity - is shown in a traffic light system for each day.
Green means that they are completely available. Amber means they are currently staffed onto another provisional block. Red means that they are currently fully staffed onto another block for that time.
Hovering over the coloured numbers will reveal the list of available staff for that day and time slot. After checking these calendars, your staffing options will become clear, and conflicts will be avoided more often.
How to Set Up the Calendar Feed
The calendar feed is a useful addition for viewing your upcoming sessions through either your Google or Outlook/Office 365 calendars.
To set up the calendar feed:
1) Navigate to Your Timetable and click the button in the top right named Calendar Feed.
2) Click the button named Enable Feed to generate your calendar feed URL.
3) Copy the Feed URL to your clipboard.
4) Choose the relevant link depending on whether you are using the Google calendar, or the Outlook/Office 365 calendar and follow the instructions given.
When using a Google calendar, follow the instructions for 'Ways to add someone else's calendar' 'Add using a link'.
When using an Outlook/Office 365 calendar, follow the instructions for 'Subscribe to a calendar'
5) Once you have set up the calendar, you will be able to disable the feed at any time by clicking 'Disable Feed'.