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(HAFP) HAF Booking Site Register Type
(HAFP) HAF Booking Site Register Type
Updated over a week ago

The HAF Booking Site register type is chosen within the details page of the project. You should use this register type if your participants book onto your project through your booking site rather than turn up on the day.

Registers can be found in the Blocks tab, as registers are split by block. To access the register, click on the green person icon.

There are two kinds of registers, the Overview Register and the Sessions Register. The Overview Register is the default view and will show you participant data, such as disability or behavioural information or whether the participant has paid. The sign in and out buttons will appear under the sessions which the participant has booked onto. You can also see whether they are eligible for FSM, which school they attend and any dietary requirements they have. This information is filled in by the customer when they book.

From the Overview Register you can find their booking, edit their booking or go to their account by clicking on the icons at the end of the register row.

Under the Session Registers, these are useful to look at if you have multiple sessions within the same block. The Session Registers only show the information of the participants attending that session, this includes, their contact number, age or any other monitoring field questions. The sign in and out buttons also appear in the sessions register.

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